Category: Voxxed Days Minsk

Hexagonal Architecture with Spring Boot Nowadays traditional layered monolithic architecture in Java world is not so popular as 5-10 years ago. I remember how we wrote tons of code for each layer repeating almost the same parts for every application. Add unit and integration testing to understand how much time and efforts has been spent [...]
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Reactive Spring Microservices and big-data increasingly confront us with the limitations of traditional input/output. In traditional IO, work that is IO-bound dominates threads. This wouldn't be such a big deal if we could add more threads cheaply, but threads are expensive on the JVM, and most other platforms. Even if threads were cheap and infinitely [...]
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Kotlin Coroutines in Practice Kotlin coroutines were recently released. We use them in our projects on backend. In this talk I will show you how to use it in real back-end based applications, common patterns and problems you could face Main language Russian Proposal Audience level Intermediate Type of presentation Slides and code Sergey Zolotov [...]
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Serialization protocols for distributed systems Decoupled applications exchange messages – between JVMs, over the network or via messaging systems like Kafka, Pub/Sub and Kinesis. Therefore messages are everywhere – sometimes they live for milliseconds, sometimes they get persisted for years. When the types of these messages start to evolve and the applications change at different [...]
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Translation of 'switch' into Java bytecode We'll see how java compiler translates to bytecode different shades of 'switch' statement since Java 1 up to Java 12, which challenges arise during this process and how they are solved. This talk is aimed for people who are interested in Java platform internals and may be helpful if [...]
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Productionizing Data Platform Best Practices: Self Service This presentation describes such a fundamental part of the Data Management discipline as Productionizing Data Platform. Data Platform productionizing strategy includes several steps, like Data Governance, Data Platform API Strategy, Data Platform Self Service, and others. Here best practices in building API and Self Service layes for Data [...]
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Undercover Kotlin: Using Kotlin without tipping your hand One of the many hazards of trying out a new language is the lack of interoperability. A new language often presents the added burden of learning a whole new ecosystem. The designers of Kotlin took special care to make sure Kotlin suffered from this as little as [...]
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Multiplayer Pac-Man with RSocket One of the challenging aspects of building modern games is making it multiplayer. Can we use HTTP there? We can, but we will not get a real-time game. Can we use WebSockets / TCP? Of course, we can and we should! However, developing API on top of WebSocket is another challenge [...]
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Refactor And Do It Safely! We've all been there, facing a blinking cursor. You need to build a new feature, but aren't sure where to start. Or you have to fix something in your app, and you're unsure why it broke. This situation is common with Big Ball of Mud architectures. This design hinders your [...]
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Easy Microservices in the cloud with Kubernetes and Istio Microservices are a powerful method to build a scalable and agile backend, but managing these services is a nightmare. Once developed, the process of building, deploying, service discovery, load balancing, routing, tracing, auth, graceful failures, rate limits, and more are cumbersome and involves many moving parts. [...]
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