Hexagonal Architecture with Spring Boot

Nowadays traditional layered monolithic architecture in Java world is not so popular as 5-10 years ago. I remember how we wrote tons of code for each layer repeating almost the same parts for every application. Add unit and integration testing to understand how much time and efforts has been spent on repeatable work. All cool ideas around DDD (domain driven design) and Hexagonal Architecture was just a nice theory because reality hasn’t allow us to implement it easily. Even Dependency Injection with Spring framework was completely focused on traditional layered approach, not even talking about JavaEE platform.

Today we have Spring Boot ecosystem covering most of our needs for integration with almost all possible technologies and microservices architectural trend, enabling completely new approach to build Java applications around domain model. It is so natural to build Java domain-oriented services and connect them with external world using ports and adapters, that Hexagonal Architecture is almost enabled by default. You just need to switch your way of thinking…

Main language Russian Proposal
Audience level Intermediate
Type of presentation Slides and code

Mikalai Alimenkou

Senior Delivery Manager, Java Tech Lead and experienced coach. Expert in Java development, scalable architecture, Agile engineering practices and project management. Having almost 15 years of development experience, specializes on complex distributed scalable systems. Active participant and speaker of many international conferences. Founder and independent consultant at training center XP Injection. Organizer and founder ofSelenium Camp, JEEConf and XP Days Ukraine conferences. Founder of active “Anonymous developers club” (uadevclub).

Blog http://xpinjection.com
Company XP Injection
