Refactor And Do It Safely!

We’ve all been there, facing a blinking cursor. You need to build a new feature, but aren’t sure where to start. Or you have to fix something in your app, and you’re unsure why it broke.

This situation is common with Big Ball of Mud architectures. This design hinders your release velocity. And it makes it near-impossible to seize new business opportunities. How can you move on from this situation?

Most of us also know what good design is. We talk a lot about Domain-Driven Design, modeling, event storming and Test-Driven Development.

Here’s the challenge: how to apply this thinking to your current systems. How do we modernize the app? How do convince people we should modernize it? How do we overcome the lack of testing? Or lack of business knowledge?

Attend this session to answer these questions and more. You’ll learn about techniques that have proven to work in companies like yours.

Main language English Proposal
Audience level Intermediate
Type of presentation Slides and code

Jakub Pilimon


Company Pivotal
