Category: Voxxed Days Minsk

New opportunities for Java developers with GraalVM Recently GraalVM 19 was announced — the first production release of a high-performance VM, bringing new performance optimizations for individual languages and interoperability for creating polyglot applications. In this talk we’ll discuss the most recent project updates, and how they can help you make applications development more powerful and productive. [...]
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Performance tuning Twitter services with Graal and Machine Learning Running Twitter services on Graal has been very successful and saved Twitter a lot of money on datacenter cost. But we would like to run more efficient to reduce cost even more. I mean, who doesn’t? In order to do this we are using our Machine [...]
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Mixed Paradigms: The Method to Madness Language Paradigms are intriguing, some languages are pure and enforce a particular paradigm, and yet some languages are hybrid. A single paradigm language is consistent, easier to use, and often favored by the proponents of the promoted paradigm. Hybrid languages often appear confusing, seem harder to use, and yet [...]
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Wasteful waste or why everything is usually so slow in development I think almost everybody experienced cases when things are moving very slowly in IT companies or teams. You have many people, talented engineers, Agile process and development speed is still below expectations. We try to focus on performance and efficiency last 10 years, improving [...]
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12 Ways of the Cloud Native Warrior Now that Kubernetes has become the defacto standard for cloud native application architecture involving microservices and serverless functions, it does represent an extreme environment for your application logic. In this deep dive session, we will be exploring 12 ways, steps along the path, from Linux container neophyte to [...]
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Using Many Worlds to Solve the Unsolvable Quantum computers use all of the possible pathways generated by quantum decisions to solve problems that will forever be intractable to classical computers. As the mega players vie for quantum supremacy and Rigetti announces its $1M "quantum advantage" prize, we live in exciting times. You can learn to [...]
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Getting to Know the Many Faces of Cloud Native Java and Event-driven Architectures If you’ve been paying attention to the latest and greatest news about Java, then you’re probably interested to hear more about the new options for Cloud Native. Spring Boot was and is a massively successful open source offering that focuses on productivity [...]
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Jenkins X: Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes Jenkins X is a new open source CI/CD platform for Kubernetes based on Jenkins. Jenkins X runs on Kubernetes and transparently uses on demand containers to run build agents and jobs, and isolate job execution. It enables CI/CD-as-code using Jenkins Pipelines and automated deployments of commits and pull requests [...]
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Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus In the extreme and harsh environment of the cloud, where your Linux container may be rescheduled across the cluster or perhaps your serverless function auto-scaled to zero. When the flow of inbound transactions becomes a massive stream, then small memory footprint, ultra fast start-up speed, mixed reactive & imperative programming [...]
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Social implications of Bias in Machine Learning The adoption of Machine Learning in decision making has amplified the risk of socially-biased outcomes.Anyone (not just data scientists) working on ML tools holds immense power over shaping the future of our world. However, we can use this power for good and train models that help to drive [...]
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