Mastering Observability: From Theory to Practice in DevOps
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room 1 - Thessaloniki
In today's fast-paced DevOps world, where software systems are becoming increasingly intricate and spread out, achieving robust observability is now a main focus point. Observability equips organizations with the power to gain profound insights into their application's inner workings. This helps them spot problems, fine-tune performance, and guarantee reliability. But making the leap from theory to practical application can feel like a daunting task. Especially as this part of the tech stack seems to be ever evolving and growing.
To get started, let's dig into why the old-school methods of monitoring just don't cut it anymore in our rapidly evolving software world. We'll also take a deep dive into the most effective ways to smoothly gather and make sense of traces, logs, and metrics, giving you a full view of your application's well-being. Backed up with examples and case studies. Plus, we'll roll up our sleeves and get hands-on with some popular observability tools like OpenTelemetry, InfluxDB, Jaeger, and Grafana. You'll come away with not just the know-how to set up and fine-tune these tools but also the skills to turn data into practical insights you can actually use.
Observability doesn't live in isolation; it's a vital part of the broader DevOps world.
zoe steinkamp
I'm Zoe Steinkamp, a Developer Advocate for InfluxData with a background in front-end software engineering. I'm passionate about making developers' lives easier and helping them engage with InfluxData's database platform, open-source tools, and time-series data solutions. I also have a keen interest in data science. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling and gardening. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, and I look forward to sharing insights and knowledge at virtual and in-person events.