Hi Mohammed, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?


My first experience with Microservices started 6 years back, in a cloud startup offering Configuration management as a service! Back then, we had Docker in production before even the first stable release. 


Today, at xhub, We’re helping banks, insurance companies … in their digital transformation journey using Microservices, containers and everything in between.


What will you be talking about at Voxxed Days Microservices? 

I’ll be talking about JIB, an open-source Java tool maintained by Google for building Docker images of Java applications. It simplify contairnizing our java applications since we don’t need to write a dockerfile or even to docker daemon installed in our machine. It support both maven and gradle.


When deploying constantly microservices, sometimes we see JIB combined with Skaffold getting managed by Helm. What’s your experience with that ? Do we need all these tools when using Kubernetes ?

JIB does simply 2 things: building Docker images and publishing them to a registry. Combined with helm and skaffold, these tools offer to developers the ability to boost their development and continuous deployment experience to a kubernetes cluster


Good, see you soon then 

See you soon and hope you’ll enjoy the talk!


#JIB #K8S #Docker #Containers 


My contact information

Twitter: https://twitter.com/laytoun

Blog: https://aboullaite.me/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aboullaite/

GitHub: https://github.com/aboullaite

