Hi Florent, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

Hi, I’m Florent, software engineer at Pivotal in the Spring organization, more specifically working on the awesome riff team, in charge of Pivotal Function Service (PFS). I first joined Pivotal via Pivotal Labs Paris.

My first real experience with microservices started when I was at Labs. Labs help customers build efficient multidisciplinary teams, which in turn create user-centered products in short iterations. While we do not necessarily start right away with microservices, that approach tends to naturally be adopted once the functional scope of the product grows enough.


What will you be talking about at Voxxed Days Microservices? 

I am thrilled to be at the next Voxxed Days Microservices to talk about riff.

riff is the open-source core of PFS and allows anyone to deploy functions (or applications) on top of Kubernetes in a flexible and simple manner (à la Cloud Foundry `cf push`).

Once riff is installed onto your Kubernetes cluster, all you have to do is to issue a couple of commands: your function sources will be picked up, packaged and deployed as an auto-scaling request-reply workload or even as a streaming one!

I could go on, but that would spoil the fun of my talk, wouldn’t it? ?


Would you say that vanilla Kubernetes can’t be used alone and needs to be mixed with riff for all size and all complexity projects ? 

Kubernetes sometimes feels like a big box of LEGO®. You can start pretty quickly on your laptop: push your first pods, replica sets and deployment and ta-da! You are ready to go!

Are you, though? What about CVEs? What about access management? Etc etc…

Kubernetes provides many useful primitives but there is still a long way to go before having it as a production-ready “day two” platform, that is why it is often referred to as a “platform of platform”.  Fortunately, every major vendor (including Pivotal) has embraced Kubernetes and offer ready-to-use solutions.

Good, see you soon then 

If your problem space fits riff opinionated approach, let’s chat!


#faas #functions #riff


My contact information 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fbiville

Blog: http://florent.biville.net/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/florentbiville/

GitHub: https://github.com/fbiville/

