Let me introduce Voxxed Days Microservices! Yes, you’ve heard me: a two full days conference (+1 optional workshop day) just on Microservices.
Everything needs to start with a “Why”. So let me explain why I’ve created Voxxed Days Microservices.
I’ve started working in the IT industry a long time ago. In 1998 I joined BEA Systems and became a Weblogic Consultant. It was the time of RMI/IIOP, the time of EJB Remote, the time of clusters, fail-over, JNDI replication and other sticky session. I worked many years for several customers, setting up distributed systems. Gee, it was difficult, but I really enjoyed it. Then, came the time of SOAP WebServices, a time of XML/HTTP, a time of replication, a time of event buses, asynchronous messaging. For several years I drew complex diagrams and realized several projects based on SOA architecture. Gee, it was difficult, but I was still enjoying it. Today, it’s the time of Microservices, a time of circuit breakers, client load balancers, events, messages, scalability and chaos testing. Gee, it’s difficult… and I am enjoying it.
Parallel to this technical experience, I wrote my first book on Java EE in 2005 to share my experience with others. I then created the Paris Java User Group in 2008, started talking at conferences to share and met people, created Devoxx France in 2012, and still enjoy to go to meetups.
I realize now that I’ve been working with distributed systems for more than two decades (two and a half if you count the RPC/CGI/RMI classes I had at University and my thesis on CORBA). I still love distributed systems… and I still find them difficult. I also realize that I love communities and like to meet and share with others. So I decided to create a conference to learn and share about Microservices and meet people. If like me you want to share and learn from others about the dos and donts of distributed systems today, come to Voxxed Days Microservices.
Voxxed Days Microservices is a two days conference (+1 optional workshop day), in English, that will take place in Paris (29-31 October 2018). This 1st edition will be structured as follow:
Hurry up, blind tickets are on sell. Blind Tickets mean that you buy a cheaper ticket without even knowing the agenda or the speakers. But trust me, it will be worth it ;o)
You know Microservices, you work with Microservices, you’re the creator of a Microservices framework, you have good/bad real experiences with Microservices? Come and speak at the conference. The Call for Paper is opened till end-of May! The talk categories follow the Microservice architecture:
What about sponsoring the event? You will have a booth, all setup, waiting for you. For two days (Monday/Tuesday) you will be in contact with attendees eager to learn about what you can offer in the Microservices space. Share your knowledge on Microservices, explain how you handle them, what tooling you use… We have three levels of sponsoring:
For further information, please contact us at [email protected].
Hope to see you in Paris the 29-31st October 2018 at Espace Charenton (327 Rue de Charenton, 75012 Paris – France).
: 2018