Talks by Sessions

A Deep Dive Into Advanced TypeScript: A Live-Coding Expedition
A fun and absurd introduction to Vector Databases
Avoid mastering Kubernetes for local development with Dapr and Testcontainers.
Back to the future - how we integrated a 40 year old software system
Communication for Developers: estimates, code reviews, and other hard problems
Faster, greener, and happier- why Quarkus should be your next tech stack
Faster or better designed? Choose any two!
From Java 17 to 21: A Showcase of JDK Security Enhancements
From k9s to OpenTelemetry: A guide to observability for your apps in K8s
Hitting the “refresh” button on your Spring web application
Instrument to Remove: Using Java agents for fun and profit
Mastering complex reactivity with template-driven forms and Signals
ML in Java, YES it's possible!
Navigating the Chaos: A Holistic Approach to Incident Management
Observability 101 with Spring and Micrometer
Password-less apps: implementing WebAuthN
Performance oriented Spring Data JPA & Hibernate
Power structures. The fair advantage
Practical Performance Analysis
React Server Components - Explained for Backend Developers
Securing the Supply Chain for Your Java Applications
State of change detection in Angular and how far are we from Zoneless applications ?
Using AI in Software Design: How ChatGPT Can Help With Creating a Solution Architecture
Who is Jason, and what’s he doing in my database?