Writing clean code with modern Java

Recent releases of Java introduced a set of features aimed at providing better developer experience when it comes to writing code. In this live-coding session, we’ll explore several new language features and APIs enabling us to create cleaner code.

We’ll use JShell, Java’s REPL implementation from Java 9, and an excellent tool for learning and exploration of APIs, to demonstrate how the recent releases of Java allow us to produce cleaner code faster by exploring smaller, often overlooked features in Java 9-12. We’ll take a look at enhanced Collections API, extended streams, updates to Optional, try with effectively final resources, private methods in interfaces, switch expressions, local variable type inference, and more. We’ll also talk about best practices and patterns for using these features in the context of modern applications.

Main language English Proposal
Audience level Intermediate
Type of presentation Slides and code

Miro Cupak

Miro is a Co-founder and VP Engineering at DNAstack, where he builds a leading genomics cloud platform. He is a Java enthusiast with expertise in distributed systems and middleware, passionate about genetics and making meaningful software. Miro is the creator of the largest search and discovery engine of human genetic data, and the author of a book on parallelization of genomic queries. In his spare time, he blogs and contributes to several open-source projects.

Blog https://mirocupak.com/
Company DNAstack
