Tag: Cloud Native Java

12 Ways of the Cloud Native Warrior Now that Kubernetes has become the defacto standard for cloud native application architecture involving microservices and serverless functions, it does represent an extreme environment for your application logic. In this deep dive session, we will be exploring 12 ways, steps along the path, from Linux container neophyte to [...]
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Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus In the extreme and harsh environment of the cloud, where your Linux container may be rescheduled across the cluster or perhaps your serverless function auto-scaled to zero. When the flow of inbound transactions becomes a massive stream, then small memory footprint, ultra fast start-up speed, mixed reactive & imperative programming [...]
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Welcome to the Reactive Revolution: RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway As more applications are experiencing the benefits of using a reactive programming model, one of the biggest problems they experience is the mismatch between Reactive Stream back pressure and current networking protocols. The RSocket protocol enables Reactive Streams back pressure to be transmitted across a [...]
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Making it Rain: Truly Cloud Native JVM Applications The phrase “cloud native Java” gets thrown around a lot these days. Every one is excited about “cloud this” and “serverless that”. No one wants to be left behind in this brave new world. Many frameworks and architectures have stepped up to try to fill that gap [...]
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