Reactive for the Impatient - A Gentle Intro to Reactive Programming and Systems (Java Edition)

This talk presents to the audience a few of the major Java-based reactive frameworks and toolkits in the market today, such as RxJava, Spring Reactor, Akka, and Vert,x. It will start by going over the basic tenets of reactive systems, and some examples of the problems that these systems aim to solve. It will discuss the 2 most commonly used Java frameworks for implementing reactive coding – RxJava and Spring Reactor, and will show some code samples. It will then bring the audience to the next level of “reactivity’ by introducing 2 reactive frameworks – Akka and Vert,x, which are usually used for implementing reactive microservices. It will draw some comparisons between these 2 frameworks and cite some real-life examples of their usages.

Main language English Proposal
Audience level Beginner & novice
Type of presentation Slides and code

Mary Grygleski

Mary is currently a Java Developer Advocate for IBM Cognitive Applications Group, specializing in Reactive Java systems. She has been riding the software tech waves since 1989, starting with Unix and C, then set sail for Java, open source, and web in the new Millennium, and now venturing into reactive, mobile, and the DevOps space. In her previous incarnations, she worked for several technology product companies in the Route 128 Boston Technology Corridor as well the San Francisco Bay Area. She now resides in the Greater Chicago area, and is an Executive Board member and the Director of Meetings for the Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG).

Company IBM
