Jenkins X: Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

Jenkins X is a new open source CI/CD platform for Kubernetes based on Jenkins. Jenkins X runs on Kubernetes and transparently uses on demand containers to run build agents and jobs, and isolate job execution. It enables CI/CD-as-code using Jenkins Pipelines and automated deployments of commits and pull requests using Skaffold, Helm and other popular tools. We will demo how to use Jenkins X on any Kubernetes cluster for fully automated CI and CD using a GitOps approach.

This talk will show Jenkins X Continuous Delivery flow, pull request preview environment capabilities as well as enabling Progressive Delivery using canary deployments.

Main language English Proposal
Audience level Intermediate
Type of presentation Code only

Carlos Sanchez

Carlos Sanchez specializes in software automation, from build tools to Continuous Delivery. He has spoken at several conferences around the world, including ApacheCON, KubeCon, JavaOne, Fosdem,... Involved in Open Source for more than ten years, he is the author of the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin and a member of the Apache Software Foundation amongst other open source groups, contributing to several projects, such as Jenkins, Apache Maven, or Puppet. He works at CloudBees enabling scalable and cloud native deployments of the Jenkins platform.

Company cloudbees
