Hi all, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices? We are Régina ten Bruggencate and Linda van der Pal both Java developers at Trailblazers and Java Champions. We attend and speak at a lot of conferences and heard a lot about microservices, but most of the talks were about framework X […]
Hi Jakub, hi Kenny, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices? We are both Spring Developer Advocates working at Pivotal. We spend most of our time supporting various customers from our industry, with a focus on moving code from development to production with increased speed and agility. Microservices embody one of […]
Hi Susanne, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices? I am the former CTO of Just Software – a startup in Hamburg, Germany, providing the digital workplace JUST SOCIAL to communicate and collaborate in teams. Our journey to Microservices was mainly product and organizational driven. We started with a monolith in […]
Hi Cyrille, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices? Hi, I’m an happy developer! I’m lucky to have great colleagues at Arolla and around who care about how to do things well in software. Which means I’m enthusiastic about design in every aspect, from OO to FP, from TDD, which is […]