




This page is currently being updated (as speaker confirm)

Emmanuel Bernard

Emmanuel Bernard

Emmanuel is Java Champion, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect Data at Red Hat (middleware). His work is Open Source. He is most well known for his contributions and lead of the Hibernate projects as well as his contribution to Java standards.

His most recent endeavour is Quarkus (A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards). You can follow him on twitter at @emmanuelbernard.

#quarkus #debezium #infinispan #hibernate-orm #hibernate-search #hibernate-validator #hibernate-ogm #ceylon #JPA #bean-validation #lescastcodeurs

Clement Escoffier

Clement Escoffier

Clement is Reactive Chief Architect at Red Hat. He had several professional lives, from academic positions to management.

Currently, he is mainly working as a Quarkus and Vert.x developer. He has been involved in projects and products touching many domains and technologies such as OSGi, mobile app development, continuous delivery, DevOps…

His main area of interest is software engineering – processes, methods, tools that make the development of software more efficient and also more fun. Clement is an active contributor to many open-source projects such as Apache Felix, iPOJO, Wisdom Framework, and Eclipse Vert.x, Eclipse MicroProfile and, Quarkus

Alain Regnier

Alain Regnier

Alain is a Technical Architect and Entrepreneur passionate about innovation and new technologies. He has spent 10 years in Silicon Valley working for startups and large companies, where he co-authored various standards about Web Services and Connected Devices.

With Alto Labs he provides consulting services around Kubernetes, Google Cloud and Web Applications architecture. He also helps startups develop prototypes and POCs.

He is a GDE Cloud (Google Developer Expert) and certified Google Cloud Architect. He is the founder of the GDG Cloud Paris (Google Developer Group) and StartupVillage.


Laura Kirby

Laura Kirby

Laura is a full-time software engineer at IBM from the United States of America. She is a passionate software engineer.
In her spare time, she can be found volunteering for Bridge Foundry, a non-profit which aims to increase diversity in tech.
She loves working with others and sharing information about process optimization and technological implementation.



Antonio Goncalves

Antonio Goncalves

Passionated about distributed systems and communities, Antonio is the co-founder of the Paris JUG and Devoxx France.
Java Champion, Antonio is the author of several books on Java EE too. He’s a blogger and internationally reknowed speaker.




Rudy De Busscher

Rudy De BusscherRudy loves to create (web) applications with the Java EE platform and MicroProfile implementations.

He has spent the last 10 years implementing various projects in a team for customers, helped various Open Source projects (MicroProfile, DeltaSpike, PrimeFaces, Apache Myfaces, …), and do support for Payara Server customers. Rudy is also already working 4 years around Web Application Security using OAuth2, OpenId Connect, and JWT.



Nate Schutta 

Developer Advocate for Pivotal, Nate is a software architect focused on cloud computing and building usable applications. A proponent of polyglot programming, Nate has written multiple books and appeared in various videos.

He is a seasoned speaker regularly presenting at conferences worldwide, No Fluff Just Stuff symposia, several Devoxx events, meetups, universities, and user groups. In addition to his day job, Nate is an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota where he teaches students to embrace dynamic languages. Driven to rid the world of bad presentations, he coauthored the book Presentation Patterns with Neal Ford and Matthew McCullough. Nate recently published Thinking Architecturally available as a free download from Pivotal.


Ania Wyrwinska

Ania Wyrwinska

Ania is a Java/PHP/Javascript Developer for more than 13 years, furiously splitting monoliths every day.





Nicolas Frankel

Nicolas Frankel

Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Currently working for Exoscale. Also double as a teacher in universities and higher education schools, a trainer and triples as a book author.



Audrey Neveu

Audrey Neveu

Audrey is a full-stack passion driven developer.

Heavily involved in the French wide Java Community, she’s part of Devoxx4Kids, a not-for-profit global initiative to get children coding, Devoxx France and Les Cast Codeurs, a french podcast on Java, but not only.



Erez Berkner

Erez Berkner

Erez is the CEO & co-founder of Lumigo, a startup focusing on simplifying serverless applications troubleshooting, where the entire backend is… 100% serverless.

Prior to founding Lumigo, Erez was the R&D director of cloud products at Check Point, heading the company’s cloud strategy & execution.



Katherine Stanley

Katherine Stanley

Katherine is a Software Engineer in the IBM Event Streams team based in the UK.

Through her work on IBM Event Streams, she has gained experience running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes and running enterprise Kafka applications. In her previous role she specialised in cloud native Java applications and microservices architectures.

Katherine has co-authored an IBM Redbook on Java microservices and has contributed to the open source microservice project Game On. She enjoys sharing her experiences and has presented at conferences around the world, including the Kafka Summits in New York and London, JavaLand in Germany and JFokus in Sweden.

David Schmitz

David Schmitz

David is a principal engineer at Senacor Technologies with a history of over 17 years of working in various projects using a bunch of different stacks and environments, from old school Corba to modern day Lambda functions.

His current focus is on migrating architectures and organizations to cloud and serverless platforms.



Grace Jansen

Grace is a developer advocate at IBM, working with Open Liberty and Reactive Platform.
She has now been with IBM for a year, after graduating from Exeter University with a Degree in Biology. Moving to software engineering has been a challenging step for Grace, but she enjoys bringing a varied perspective to her projects and using her knowledge of biological systems to simplify complex software patterns and architectures. As a developer advocate, Grace builds POC’s, demos and sample applications, and writes guides and tutorials to help guide users through technologies and products. Grace also has a keen passion for encouraging more women into STEM and especially Technology careers.




Julien Furgerot

Julien Furgerot is a Certified GCP Architect & Trainer. After 10 years as a Java developer with expertise in CI/CD and software architecture, he moved towards containers and cloud architecture. At Sfeir, he provides Docker, Kubernetes and GCP trainings.




Mohamed Abdennebi

Mohamed Abdennebi






Darya Talanina

Darya Talanina

Lead developer at Theodo, Darya loves creating products that improve the everyday life of people.
In her free time, she likes hiking and exploring France.




Ana-Maria Mihalceanu

Ana-Maria Mihalceanu is a custom application development enthusiast, co-founder of Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community and a constant adopter of challenging technical scenarios. Some of her older experiments are available on Dzone. In 2016, as tech passionate of cloud application development she achieved IBM Certified Application Developer – Cloud Platform v1. Since then, she has enriched her cloud expertise by learning and certifying as a Salesforce Developer and attained a better understanding on how to integrate different types of cloud offerings. Other passions? The knowledge hunt through reading and growing fashion skills through shopping.



Bernd Rücker

Throughout my 15+ years in software development, I have helped automating highly scalable core workflows at global companies including T-Mobile, Lufthansa and Zalando. I have contributed to various open source workflow engines. I am co-founder and chief technologist of Camunda, an open source software company reinventing workflow automation. I co-authored “Real-Life BPMN,” a popular book about workflow modeling and automation. I regularly speak at conferences and write for various magazines. I am currently focused on new workflow automation paradigms that fit into modern architectures around distributed systems, microservices, domain-driven design, event-driven architecture and reactive systems.



Guillaume Laforge

At Google, Guillaume Laforge is Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform, where he spread the word about the rich set of products and services offered for developers wishing to take advantage of the cloud for their projects and businesses. Guillaume is a Java Champion, also well known for having co-founded the Apache Groovy programming language, and co-created the Cast Codeurs podcast.




Robin Moffatt

Robin is a Developer Advocate at Confluent, the company founded by the original creators of Apache Kafka, as well as an Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador and ACE Director (Alumnus). His career has always involved data, from the old worlds of COBOL and DB2, through the worlds of Oracle and Hadoop, and into the current world with Kafka. His particular interests are analytics, systems architecture, performance testing and optimization. He blogs at http://cnfl.io/rmoff and http://rmoff.net/ (and previously http://ritt.md/rmoff) and can be found tweeting grumpy geek thoughts as @rmoff. Outside of work he enjoys drinking good beer and eating fried breakfasts, although generally not at the same time.



Phil Hardwick

I’m a software developer at Mettle, a challenger business bank backed by Natwest, where I focus on customer onboarding and keeping us on the right side of the regulators! I’m a java developer with over 7 years experience. I’ve been involved with a large variety of projects, from public to private clients, with different teams and different ideas of what microservices are. I have a passion for quality and excelling at meeting non-functional requirements.




Chris Bailey
Chris is the Chief Architect for Cloud Native Runtimes at IBM, leading teams that contributing to open source communities for the Node.js, Java and Swift runtimes. Chris has worked on runtimes, programming languages, and application frameworks for almost 20 years, and has most recently been focussed on enhancing frameworks and providing modules to make it easier to build best-practice cloud native applications.




Mohammed Aboullaite

Mohammed is a community catalyst and a true open source believer and has contributed to various open source projects. He has helped to build many IT communities in Morocco and he currently works at Xhub, a DevOps software company as Deputy CTO.





Andreas Falk

Andreas Falk has been working in enterprise application development projects for more than twenty years. Currently, he is working as a managing consultant for Novatec Consulting GmbH located in Germany.
In various projects, he has since been around as consultant, architect, coach, developer, and tester. His focus is on the agile development of cloud-native enterprise Java applications using the complete Spring platform. As a member of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), he likes to have a closer look at all aspects of application security as well. Andreas is also a frequent speaker on conferences like Spring I/O, CloudFoundry Summit, JAX and OWASP AppSec Europe.



Roberto Cortez

Roberto Cortez is a passionate Java Developer with more than 10 years of experience. He is involved within the Open Source Community to help other individuals spread the knowledge about Java technologies. He is a regular speaker at conferences like JavaOne, Devoxx, Devnexus, JFokus and others. He leads the Coimbra JUG and founded the JNation Conference in Portugal. When he is not working, he hangs out with friends, play computer games and spends time with family.




Hugh McKee

Hugh McKee is a developer advocate at Lightbend.
He has had a long career building applications that evolved slowly, that inefficiently utilized their infrastructure, and were brittle and prone to failure.
Hugh has learned from his past mistakes, battle scars, and a few wins. And the learning never stops. Now his focus is on helping other developers and architects build resilient, scalable, reactive, distributed systems.




Graeme Rocher

Graeme Rocher is the creator of several popular Open Source projects including Grails and Micronaut.
Graeme currently leads the Grails and Micronaut engineering teams at OCI.
Graeme is co-author of “The Definitive Guide to Grails” (Apress).




Allard Buijze

Allard Buijze is Founder and CTO at AxonIQ with a solid software development background. Starting at the age of 6, he has developed a great passion for programming and has guided both large and small organizations in building performant and scalable applications. Allard likes to help customers make appropriate future-proof, technical decisions. As a former software architect specializing within the field of “scalability” and “high performance” computing, he has worked on several small and large projects, where performance and complexity were recurring themes. Allard is convinced that a good domain model is the beginning of contributing to the overall performance of an application. From this conviction, he has developed the Axon Framework.Allard has given several trainings in the areas of scalable architectures, test driven development, application design and clean coding. He strongly believes that good craftsmanship can only be achieved through continuous and intensive exchange of experience with others.The last years, he has been investigating and applying CQRS to a number of projects. As a result, he created the Axon Framework, an open source Java framework that helps developers create scalable and extensible applications. Axon has a growing community and has already been successfully introduced in several high-profile projects around the world.


Nicolas Favier

I am a true java fan.
I am always looking for new solutions and workarounds to build an easy and maintainable code base.
I spent my last 4th years working for Takima, a consulting company in IT.

Today, my job is to split Mirakl’s monolith.



Artus de Benque

Artus is a backend dev @Mirakl





Eric Ndouakulu

Eric is a senior software developer at Mirakl.





Benjamin Yvernault

I recently left the world of data scientist to join the univers of Web applications development.
Beginning 2018, I joined Takima, a consulting company specialized in development of Web applications, DevOps and Big Data.
I work since October at Mirakl, the leading provider of Marketplace Solutions.
I have been assigned to one of the team working on the core system of the application that is in constant evolution, from a monolith to microservices



Philippe Anes

Philippe is a Principal Software Engineer at Kyriba.
Currently working on a team focused on design and finding a way to move to microservices. Worked in the fintech world for more than 10 years with the same mindset, constantly thinking how to improve software and keep things simple even if they’re not.




Abderrazak Bouadma

Abderrazak is a DevOps Practice Manager At Kyriba, during an ideal working day he can have to write some infrastructure code, share some in depth design sessions, be on call for incidents, run meetings and prepare operational plans.

He’s also a passionate programmer, loves science and space exploration, retro computing/gaming and eternal learner.




Julien Dubois

Julien Dubois

Julien is an Azure developer advocate at Microsoft, specialized on Java and Spring. Julien is also the lead developer of JHipster and a Java Champion.





Florent Biville

Florent is a Software developer at Pivotal, working on projectriff.io
Spring Meetup Paris, Paris Hackergarten meetup organizer.
hack.commit.push conference organizer.




Sebastien Stormacq

Seb is writing code since he first touched a Commodore 64 in the mid-eighties. He is inspiring builders to unlock the value of the AWS cloud, using his secret blend of passion, enthusiasm, customer advocacy, curiosity and creativity. His interests are about software architectures, developer tools and mobile computing. If you want to sell him something, be sure it has an API.




Pierre Besson

Currently working as Site Reliability Engineer at Liquidshare, I contribute to JHipster since 2016. My contribution to the project have focused on integrating the Spring Cloud stack, docker and kubernetes support as well as monitoring.