



This page is currently being updated (as speaker confirm)


  • Emmanuel Bernard

    Emmanuel Bernard

    Cloud Native: why, oh why? by Emmanuel Bernard (twitter)
    People are going Cloud Native, are going for microservices. But why?
    In this session, we will discuss what made these new architecture style possible, why and with which objective should we embrace them. And last but not least, let’s explore some of the key problems you will encounter: are you resilient and responsive in a systemic manner, why not? Communication, how to handle the explosion? etc.After this session, you will be armed with a better understanding of your gaps and what are the next steps in your Cloud Native and microservices journey.


  • Reacting to the future of application architecture by Grace Jansen (twitter)

    Grace Jansen

    Ever wondered how honeybees have come to be some of the world’s most efficient architects?
    Learn how we can all use mother nature’s expertise to better architect our software solutions to be more reactive, responsive and resilient through reactive architecture frameworks.
    I will be explaining the principles of reactive systems (including the key points behind the reactive manifesto) and using bee hives and the social behavior of bees to help visualize and understand the benefits of these principles.


  • Ana-Maria Mihalceanu

    Containerization crossroads: Experiences-Experiments-Expectations by Ana-Maria Mihalceanu (twitter)

    Containers seem like a technology that came out of nowhere to improve application development, yet the idea dates since the 1970s when the concept was first employed on Unix systems to better isolate application code. Containers evolved, bringing forth abstraction capabilities that are broadly applied within enterprise IT.
    However, expectations grow regardless if you just started your quest for flexible application development or juggling expertly with Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes.
    Let’s debate lessons learned and experiment to meet expectations!

  • Sebastien Stormacq

    Past, Present and Future of Microservices  by Sebastien Stormacq (twitter)

    Let’s reflect on the Microservices architectural pattern, how the industry came there, what are today’s challenges and what can we expect in the future? Seb uses is 25+ year of experience in the industry and key position as observer of cloud infrastructure, talking with many customers in different industries and geographies to identify our industry’s trends

Conferences (45 min)

  • Emmanuel Bernard

    Emmanuel Bernard

    Quarkus why, how and what by Emmanuel Bernard (twitter)Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java. Understand why how and what Quarkus brings to Java app developers
    Microservices, rapid scalability & high density deployment platforms like Kubernetes require apps with low memory usage and fast boot time. Java had been the outsider due to its focus on throughput at the expense of CPU & RAM.No more.
    Enter Quarkus, a microservices Java stack bringing your favorite libs (Hibernate, vert.x, Camel, RESTEasy …) to GraalVM and HotSpot with low memory usage and fast boot time. Enough to swim in containers like fish in water.

    Data is usually the hardest part, lets demonstrate Quarkus with persistence and Hibernate ORM. Come explore live reload, opinionated persistence with Hibernate Panache, testing, GraalVM native compilation and more.
    Since Quarkus is better lived than talked, expect a heavy demo session.

  • Subatomic, Supersonic, Reactive by Clement Escoffier (twitter)
    Clement Escoffier

    Clement Escoffier

    Quarkus is not only for REST and CRUD applications. Its reactive nature paves the road to a new class of applications ranging from IOT gateway to data streaming use cases. This talk explains how this reactive flavor works and how you can build event-driven microservices with Quarkus. It covers Websockets, AMQP, Kafka… Last but not least, the resulting set of microservices is a reactive system. It handles request even when some microservices are failing, and scale up and down depending on the load.Quarkus provides a supersonic development experience and a subatomic execution environment thanks to its integration with GraalVM. But, that’s not all. Quarkus also unifies the imperative and reactive paradigm. Let’s dig into this. This talk is about the reactive side of Quarkus and how you can use it to implement reactive and event-driven microservices.
    Reactive code may look convoluted, but in Quarkus, the proposed model has been tailored to be as close as possible from your imperative code. Just a set of annotations and types gives you the ability to interact with Apache Kafka, handle requests asynchronously, implement data streaming processing, and so on.
    From WebSockets to Kafka integration and reactive streams, this talk shows all you need to know to build a reactive system with Quarkus.


  • Micro Frontend: the microservice puzzle extended to frontend by Audrey Neveu  (twitter)
    Audrey Neveu

    Audrey Neveu

    Feedback about passage of existing applications to AngularJS & Angular and new applications to react during their development in micro front end architecture.
    Microservices are so hype right now that they had their very own Voxxed Days event, and perhaps you’ve already fallen for them and are replacing your good old monolith for new shiny microservices on the back-end.

    But have you ever considered doing the same on the front-end? Even hype-r (or crazy-er, we’ll let you judge), have you tried mixing different JavaScript frameworks (let’s say AngularJS, Angular and React for example) in a Single Page Application?

    That’s what Micro Frontend is and that’s what we’ve done at Saagie. In this talk I’d like to give you feedback on the different architectures we’ve tried, their pros and cons and help you find which one would be the best for you, just in case you’d like to opt for the dark and crazy side of front-end.


  • Alain Regnier

    Alain Regnier

    All you need to know to get started with microservices on Kubernetes by Alain Regnier (twitter)
    Gold introduction on leveraging kubernetes to build a microservices based application. Lot of tips ands experience feedback.
    This presentation will explain how to build a microservices based application on kubernetes.
    After covering the basic concepts and the various kubernetes resources required for our architecture, we will go through the creation and deployment of a concrete example. We will also look at common tasks such as component update and issues investigation. Finally we will discuss various features of the architecture such as service discovery, redundancy, scaling and autohealing…
    The presentation will include tips and feedback from real life examples.


  • Rudy De Busscher

    Rudy De Busscher

    Transactions in your micro-services architecture by Rudy De Busscher (twitter)
    This session shows how you can use MicroProfile Long Running Actions to achieve the eventual consistency state in an easy way when you are using JAX-RS resources. You only need to write your business logic and the changes when the overall transaction is closed successfully or cancelled. There is no need to write some infrastructure code to achieve this.
    How can you make different pieces of your unit of work consistent in the distributed setup of your micro-service application?
    You associate the term transaction probably with a database, but the data source can be anything including a database in the micro-service world.
    The MicroProfile Long Running Actions specification is based on sagas and the OASIS LRA transaction model specification. It defines the framework to guarantee the eventual consistency requirement using compensating actions for example.
    This session will explain you the challenges and concepts of the MP LRA framework. And of course, you can see it in action with various demos.


  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Monolithe by Ania Wyrwinska  (twitter)

    Ania Wyrwinska

    I intend to share my 2-years’ experience from OLX Group as a backend developer, building microservices and maintaing the monolith(s).
    Nowadays most of the developers sooner or later would run into a fun but scary challenge: there is an ancient monolith that needs to be split into microservices, otherwise it would reach the critical mass and explode.It seems that everything was already said and done about it, so why we keep talking about it? The journey is long and the road is bumpy. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for the ones that started losing hope?
    Come to my talk if you want to learn how we approached this situation at OLX Group, one of the biggest online classifieds platforms in the world.
    I will talk about different architectural strategies that we have tried and how did they work for us.


  • Responsible Microservices by Nate Schutta @ntschutta (twitter)

    Nate Schutta

    “Your [developers] were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” –Ian Malcolm
    These days, you can’t swing a dry erase marker without hitting someone talking about microservices. Developers are studying Eric Evan’s prescient book Domain Driven Design. Teams are refactoring monolithic apps, looking for bounded contexts and defining a ubiquitous language. And while there have been countless articles, videos, and talks to help you convert to microservices, few have spent any appreciable time asking if a given application should be a microservice. In this talk, I will show you a set of factors you can apply to help you decide if something deserves to be a microservice or not. We’ll also look at what we need to do to maintain a healthy micro(services)biome.


  • Battle of the Circuit Breakers: Istio vs Hystrix/Resilience4J by Nicolas Frankel  (twitter)
    Nicolas Frankel

    Nicolas Frankel

    There are two ways to implement the circuit breaker pattern: white-box à la Hystrix/Resilience4J or black-box à la Istio. Both have pros and cons. Come to this talk to hear more about that!
    Kubernetes in general, and Istio in particular, have changed a lot the way we look at Ops-related constraints: monitoring, load-balancing, health checks, etc. Before those products became available, there were already available solutions to handle those constraints.

    Among them are different libraries e.g. Hystrix and Resilience4J in the Java ecosystem. In particular, they both provide an implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern, which prevents a network or service failure from cascading to other services. But now Istio also provides the same capability.

    In this talk, we will have a look at how Istio and one among Hystrix/Resilience4J implement the Circuit Breaker pattern, and what pros/cons each of them has. Bonus, you’ll be able to choose what library we will focus for the demo.

    After this talk, you’ll be able to decide which one is the best fit in your context.


  • Creating event-driven microservices: the why, how and what by Katherine Stanley  (twitter)
    Katherine Stanley

    Katherine Stanley

    Many developers are being pushed to move to event driven architectures without really understanding what their options are or what new technology choices they need to make. This talk not only give some background so people understand why they are making these choices, but also explain the different ways they could approach the shift. We will also introduce Apache Kafka as this is such a popular technology choice for this architecture.

    Any team that has made the jump from building monoliths to building microservices knows the complexities you must overcome to build a system that is functional and maintainable. Building a microservice architecture that is low latency and only communicates using REST APIs is even more tricky, with high latency for requests being a common concern. This talk will explain how you can use events as the backbone of your microservice architecture and build an efficient, event-driven system. It will cover how to get started with designing your microservice architecture and the key requirements any system needs to fulfil. It will also introduce the different patterns you will encounter in event-driven architectures and the advantages and disadvantages of these choices. Finally it will explain why Apache Kafka is a great choice for event-driven microservices.


  • Monitoring in the Microservices world – Kubernetes Vs. Serverless based applications by Erez Berkner  (twitter)
    Erez Berkner

    Erez Berkner

    Monitoring Kubernetes based application is a common practice nowadays. What is changed when moving to Serverless, a microservices environment on steroids. Comparing an established method to a new practice can assist developers in building the right journey to the serverless world.

    The software we write does not always work as smoothly as we would like. To know if something went wrong, understand the root cause and fix the problem, we need to monitor our system and get alerts whenever issues pop up. There are many useful tools and practices for Kubernetes based applications. As we adopt serverless architecture can we continue to use the same practice? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

    In this session, we will discuss:

    The differences between monitoring Kubernetes and serverless based applications
    Best practices for serverless monitoring
    Methods to efficiently troubleshoot serverless based applications

    Join our session and get insights into the monitoring of microservices applications.


  • Event Sourcing – You are doing it wrong by David Schmitz  (twitter)
    David Schmitz

    David Schmitz

    This talk is about staying sane when using eventsouring in your microservices.
    This combination of half-knowledge and technical confusion leads to many projects that either refactor back to a ‘non-eventsourced’ architecture or reduce eventsourcing to a message queue.
    This talk fixes _everything_ wrong with that and is basically a silver bullet.

    “Every microservice gets its own database and then use Kafka” is a typical and naive advise, when reading about eventsourcing. If you approach this architectural style this way, you will probably have a really awful time ahead.

    Eventsourcing and CQRS are two very useful and popular patterns when dealing with data and microservices. We often find in our customer’s projects, that both have a severe impact on your future options and the maintainability of your architecture. Presentations and articles on both topics are often superficial and do not tackle real world problems like security and compliance requirements.

    In this talk we will look at how we tackled eventsourcing at scale successfully and what we learned along the way, including often overlooked issues like security, GDPR, and maintainability. I will summarize our experience while applying eventsourcing and CQRS across multiple large financial and insurance companies over the last 5 years. We will cover the Good, the Not so Good, and the ‘oh my god…all abandon ships!’ when doing eventsourcing in the real world…and see how we solved these issues.


  • Looking back on migrating 30 microservices to a monorepository by Darya Talanina  (twitter)
    Darya Talanina

    Darya Talanina

    This year, I helped improve developer experience and productivity of my team by migrating 30 microservices to a monorepo. The migration was tricky to do, but we figured it out after a few hiccups. We would have loved to have guidelines to help us perform the migration and this is what I plan to give to the audience.

    Five years ago, my company decided to switch to microservices. In five year, we grew our architecture to 30 microservices, organised in several repositories. The growing number of microservices (and, thus, repositories) had a negative impact on our developer experience and productivity, including:

    – struggle to perform evolutions across several microservices (like updating dependencies versions)
    – time-consuming pull requests in several repositories for a single feature
    – difficulty to share best practices between teams
    – bugs in production due to partially merged code

    To solve this issues, we decided to migrate all 30 microservices to a monorepo.

    Over the course of several weeks, we had a team dedicated to performing the migration. We migrated all the microservices while:

    – preserving git history of every single microservice
    – keeping the Continuous Integration flow fast
    – adding tools to further improve developer experience and productivity
    – and introducing zero bugs in production!

    This talk will give you the plan to painlessly migrate your microservices to a monorepo as well as solutions to address the major pitfalls of such a migration.


  • Complex event flows in distributed systems by Bernd Rücker  (twitter)

    Bernd Rücker

    Most people think that event-driven choreographies are a must to build proper de-coubled microservices. That leads to a lot of problems I saw in a lot of real-life projects by know. I want to share that by using an easy-to-understand real-life example and explain how to better balance orchestration and choreography. I am convinced this will help most microservice projects I know to survive in the long run – and I get a lot of great feedback around it that (e.g. QCon voted 96% green).

    Event-driven architectures enable nicely decoupled microservices and are fundamental for decentral data management. However, using peer-to-peer event chains to implement complex end-to-end logic crossing service boundaries can accidentally increase coupling. Extracting such business logic into dedicated services reduces coupling and allows to keep sight of larger-scale flows – without violating bounded contexts, harming service autonomy or introducing god services. Service boundaries get clearer and service APIs get smarter by focusing on their potentially long running nature. I will demonstrate how the new generation of lightweight and highly-scalable state machines ease the implementation of long running services. Based on my real-life experiences, I will share how to handle complex logic and flows which require proper reactions on failures, timeouts and compensating actions and provide guidance backed by code examples to illustrate alternative approaches.


  • From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect by Robin Moffatt  (twitter)

    Robin Moffatt

    Lots of people use Kafka. Lots of people get data from other systems into Kafka, and out of Kafka to other systems.
    Not enough people use “Kafka Connect”,  the integration API of Apache Kafka.
    This talk introduces what it is, and why people should use it instead of trying to write their own integration code. It walks through just enough of the framework’s architecture for people to understand how to use it, and it highlights common issues that people encounter when using it.

    Integrating Apache Kafka with other systems in a reliable and scalable way is often a key part of a streaming platform. Fortunately, Apache Kafka includes the Connect API that enables streaming integration both in and out of Kafka. Like any technology, understanding its architecture and deployment patterns is key to successful use, as is knowing where to go looking when things aren’t working.

    This talk will discuss the key design concepts within Kafka Connect and the pros and cons of standalone vs distributed deployment modes. We’ll do a live demo of building pipelines with Kafka Connect for streaming data in from databases, and out to targets including Elasticsearch. With some gremlins along the way, we’ll go hands-on in methodically diagnosing and resolving common issues encountered with Kafka Connect. The talk will finish off by discussing more advanced topics including Single Message Transforms, and deployment of Kafka Connect in containers.


  • GraalVM and MicroProfile: A Polyglot Microservices Solution by Roberto Cortez  (twitter)

    Roberto Cortez

    Lots of people use Kafka. Lots of people get data from other systems into Kafka, and out of Kafka to other systems.
    Not enough people use “Kafka Connect”,  the integration API of Apache Kafka.
    This talk introduces what it is, and why people should use it instead of trying to write their own integration code. It walks through just enough of the framework’s architecture for people to understand how to use it, and it highlights common issues that people encounter when using it.

    Integrating Apache Kafka with other systems in a reliable and scalable way is often a key part of a streaming platform. Fortunately, Apache Kafka includes the Connect API that enables streaming integration both in and out of Kafka. Like any technology, understanding its architecture and deployment patterns is key to successful use, as is knowing where to go looking when things aren’t working.

    This talk will discuss the key design concepts within Kafka Connect and the pros and cons of standalone vs distributed deployment modes. We’ll do a live demo of building pipelines with Kafka Connect for streaming data in from databases, and out to targets including Elasticsearch. With some gremlins along the way, we’ll go hands-on in methodically diagnosing and resolving common issues encountered with Kafka Connect. The talk will finish off by discussing more advanced topics including Single Message Transforms, and deployment of Kafka Connect in containers.


  • The Evolution From Monolith to Microservices to Serverless and Beyond by Hugh McKee (twitter)

    Hugh McKee

    Monoliths, microservices, serverless, and event meshes, things are changing and evolving so fast these days. In this talk, we will look at what is changing, and more importantly, what remains relatively constant. And just for fun, we will take a look at what the future may bring in the not too distant future.

    If you are a developer or an architect, the odds are that you grew up building systems that are now commonly known as monoliths. In the last few years, we’ve seen a significant evolutionary shift to systems composed of microservices. Today we are witnessing the birth of serverless. The rate of evolutionary change is accelerating. But what is changing and what remains the same? In this talk, we will look at the evolution from the monolith to serverless seeking to extract the variables and the constants. We will also look at the progression from serverless to an inevitable future of frictionless computing.

  • Micronaut Deep Dive by Graeme Rocher (twitter)

    Graeme Rocher

    Many developers are looking to understand more than the basics of Micronaut this talk will be unique for them and how build components on Micronaut from the creator of Micronaut

    This session is for developers looking to go beyond the basics with Micronaut, a new microservices and serverless framework for Java, Kotlin, and Groovy. Taking an extensive look at how advanced features such as dependency injection (DI), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation work, the creator of Micronaut, Graeme Rocher, will walk attendees through Micronaut’s elegant programming model. Attendees will come away with a better understanding about the motivations behind Micronaut’s design.


  • Event-Driven Microservices, the Sense, the Non-sense and a Way Forward by Allard Buijze (twitter)

    Allard Buijze

    Microservices are around for a reason. Events are a powerful concept when used properly. However, how much time are you spending on infrastructure related code, compared to actual business logic that provides value to your customer/end user? This talk is for inspiration on how to focus on what’s important, without compromises. I’ve done this talk as a closing talk at Goto Amsterdam, where it was extremely well received. It was applauded for the combination of fun, inspiration and practical use.

    Microservices, and especially their Event-Driven variants, are at the very peak of the hype cycle and, according to some, on their way down. Meanwhile, a large number of success stories and failures have been shared about this architectural style. How do we ensure that we don’t throw away the baby with the bathwater and end up re-inventing the same concepts again a decade from now?

    In this talk, I want to zoom in on different aspects around microservices. What are the promises made and how did it deliver on those? How did technology surrounding microservices evolve and impact our decisions?

    Lastly, I will look forward. How can we be pragmatic about microservices, avoiding some of the common pitfalls and helping ensure ourselves that we get the promised benefits, but without the pain.

  • Transforming a monolith to an API platform by Philippe Anes (twitter) and Abderrazak Bouadma (twitter)

    Philippe Anes  &   Abderrazak Bouadma

    APIs are everywhere; over the last few years, APIs have been increasingly considered as one of the most valuable strategies for modern business a.k.a the “API Economy” and organizations are very demanding. APIs are also the most common way for microservices to communicate between each other. But designing an API architecture is not that easy, especially when you are migrating a monolith to microservices, you are transitioning a SaaS infrastructure to the cloud and your business is growing very fast.

    During this talk, we will share our experience on how we are leveraging our services with APIs while we are modernizing our platform at Kyriba, a fintech founded 18 years ago and which became a global leader in cloud treasury solutions.

  • Deploying Spring Boot microservices on Azure by Julien Dubois (twitter)
    Julien Dubois

    Julien Dubois

    Azure is the world’s #2 cloud, and Spring Boot is Java’s #1 framework, so using both together makes a lot of sense.
    Please note I intend to talk about a few top-secret offers that we are preparing on Azure, so I can’t tell you right now, but we should have some really exciting and new content for the conference.

    Did you know Microsoft has a whole engineering team dedicated to Spring Boot, and that for the last 3 years they have ensured that Spring Boot applications work great on Azure? We’ll see how Java’s #1 framework works on one of the world’s top cloud provider, including many tips and news on our latest releases.

  • Supercharge product development with cloud best practices by Sebastien Stormacq (twitter)

    Sebastien Stormacq

    Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) help developers automate the software release process.
    The faster you can release new features and fix bugs, the quicker you can innovate and respond to customer needs. AWS provides developer tools that help you automate the end-to-end lifecycle of your serverless applications. In this session, we will discuss methods for automating the deployment of serverless or containerised applications, using services such as AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, and techniques such as canary deployments and automatic rollbacks.


Tools-in-action (25 min)

  • Laura Kirby

    Laura Kirby

    Building a Customer Facing Analytics Platform by Laura Kirby (twitter)
    My team created a real-time data analytics platform using Kafka, Spark, Cassandra and Ruby on Rails. Spark parses and writes the data to Cassandra and Kafka. Our Rails application handles GET requests and websockets. Our customers now have access to real-time & highly detailed data.
    Within IBM, I work on a product called Aspera. Aspera is a high speed data transfer service used by companies like Netflix, Disney and Amazon. For every millisecond that a transfer is active, we record data about the status of a transfer.We first tried Redis; however, it could not keep up with the high volume of writes and complex queries. We decided to try out Cassandra, since its strength is writing quickly and growing efficiently. We implemented a Kafka service to receive data from our daemon. With the use of Kafka, we were able to stream data about active transfers in realtime. We modified the Ruby on Rails application to interface with Kafka and Cassandra. For realtime tables on the frontend, we create a websocket and pass streaming data in JSON format from Kafka. For historical data, we make Cassandra queries, and again send responses to the frontend in JSON format.

  • Guillaume Laforge

    Cloud Run, serverless containers in action by Guillaume Laforge (twitter)
    It’s gonna be a brand new talk, likely with a few intro slides, but will be mostly with various demos of containers with a serverless sauce.

    The “serverless” buzzword was popularized thanks to FaaS platforms (Function-as-a-Service). However, serverless goes beyond just functions. Even traditional Platform-as-a-Service solutions also exhibit serverless characteristics (managed infrastructure, auto-scaling capabilities, pay for usage), when they’re letting developers push their apps as the unit of deployment.

    Similarly, a container is just another way to package your business logic. And that’s what Google Cloud Run is all about: you package your code in a container. You decide to use any language, runtime or library, as long as it runs in a container that can receive incoming HTTP requests.

    Cloud Run is a fully-managed product that scales your container images from 0 to n depending on traffic, and you pay proportionally to that usage. It can also run in Google’s managed Kubernetes clusters (GKE) giving you more control on the machines running your workloads.

    Last but not least, you’re not tied to the Google Cloud Platform at all, as Cloud Run builds atop the Knative serverless building blocks for Kubernetes. You can also deploy and scale your containers on other cloud providers or on-premises, thanks to the openness and portability brought by Knative.

    After an overview of Cloud Run, its developer experience, we’ll go through various demos to watch your serverless containers in action!

  • Ana-Maria Mihalceanu

    Helm your way with Kubernetes by Ana-Maria Mihalceanu (twitter)

    Changes, even those that represent improvement, are always accompanied by obstacles and discomforts.
    Kubernetes can become very complex with all the objects that need to be handled in addition to releases that you operate with. The goal of this session: address complexity with development passion.

    In this session I will explain and demonstrate live how you can simplify Kubernetes complexity with Helm: templates, values, requirements and pod specifications made easier, maintainable and reusable.


  •  Pact tests: how we split up the monolithic deploy by Phil Hardwick  (from mettle / twitter)Attendees will, by the end of the talk:
    – understand how to use contract testing as a tool to enable confident delivery

    Phil Hardwick

    – how to set up contract testing
    – key pitfalls to avoid when using it in a microservices context
    – how to migrate from existing delivery to independent continuous delivery

    This talk will contain real world examples of what we did as a company and how it changed our approach to delivery. I believe the topic of breaking up monolithic CI is important since we can do a lot of good work around microservices but still deliver in a monolithic way, which hinders a lot of the benefits of the microservices approach. We need varied and new approaches to testing and a team-lead focus on quality which I will communicate through my talk.

    At Mettle, we built our application as microservices from the start yet still fell into the trap of a monolithic deploy. We built the services independently but then deployed all the changes once a week. The key problem was: how do we know that when we deploy this one service it won’t break everything? To fix this, we used consumer driven contract testing (using Pact) to make our services independently deployable and move towards flexible continuous delivery. Now all changes are deployed straight to production with confidence.

    I’m going to share our learnings so you can get the most out of Pact and avoid the pitfalls we found along the way. We will also spend time exploring the benefits of contract testing and how to implement it in your services and CI process. You should come away with a head start in understanding contracts and how it could give you confidence to deliver more frequently.

  • Jakarta EE – Not just for Servers by Chris Bailey (twitter)

    Chris Bailey

    This talk covers the recent advances that make it possible to build a deploy serverless applications on a standard Kubernetes basis using Knative Serving. This in turn means that serverless is no-longer limited to using proprietary cloud functions frameworks such as Amazon Lamba, Azure Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Functions or OpenWhisk – you can easily use open source tools to develop and deploy functions that build not existing Java frameworks, and deploy as serverless workloads on Knative.

    Function-as-a-service (FaaS) and serverless platforms increase productivity, enabling you to focus on application code, with the platform taking care of how to deploy, configure, run, and scale the code. They do however require you to adopt a new programming model, creating generic handlers or actions that lack the expressive APIs that you get from frameworks and standards such as Jakarta EE. In this session, you’ll learn how it’s now possible to create FaaS- and serverless-based applications using the same APIs you use today such as JAX-RS and you’ll see a live demo of an application being built and deployed as a cloud native application on Kubernetes using a combination of open source tools and Knative serving.


  • Speedy build for your java application images with JIB! by Mohammed Aboullaite (twitter)

    Mohammed Aboullaite

    The containers technology revolutionized the way we architect, develop and ship our applications, and brought Java developers closed than ever to “Write once run anywhere”!
    However, Containers added some new layers of abstraction: We have to write a Dockerfile, setup Docker daemon, wait for builds to complete, fix any errors and finally push the image to registry! Wasn’t building a (j|w|e)ar easier?!

    This TIA, explores what Jib, an open source fast image builder Java library from Google, brought to the table, and how it speeds up development by finely separating the application across multiple layers and incrementally building the image, by inferring what it needs from Maven or Gradle project. We’ll also discuss the concept of “Distroless” container Images and how to benefit from it.

  • Riffing on Kubernetes by Florent Biville (twitter)

    Florent Biville

    Hi, riff maintainer here.
    This talk will showcase demos of riff:
    – deploy/invoke a simple request-reply function
    – deploy/invoke a streaming function
    and dive into the various component at play (K8s CRDs, CNAB, Knative serving and build, buildpacks…).

    Kubernetes is a generic, extensible platform of platforms. It has gained significant momentum: we are all talking about it, and some of us are even using it. However, the journey from vanilla Kubernetes to a production-ready environment may be long and perilous with so many competing choices in a growing ecosystem.

    Does it have to be that way? Not at all! riff , combined with Knative, brings useful abstractions and a unified improved(1) user experience to the table:

    – Simplified installation process based on the recent Cloud Native Application Bundle standard
    – 0-N pod autoscaling (notice how scale-to-zero rhymes with pay-as-you-go?)
    – Polyglot function support with Buildpacks v3, building from source
    – Emergent stateful streaming support

    If you want to learn more about the next-gen open source serverless platform and have (work)loads of fun(ctions), join me!

    (1) This talk does not feature a gazillion lines of YAML, and no eyes were hurt in the making of this talk.

  • Kubernetes Native JHipster microservices by Pierre Besson (twitter)

    Pierre Besson

    This presentation aims to demonstrate the latest features of the JHipster Kubernetes support. The goal is to go from zero to a fully functional architecture running in Kubernetes that implement microservices patterns (client side discovery, resiliency, canaries) using extensions like Istio.
    Thanks to JHipster, the demo will be able to go much further than classic Hello-World applications.

    Kubernetes is eating the world. Teams around the world are realizing that Kubernetes is the answer to achieve immutable and declarative container based deployments. The JHipster project was quick to jump on the hype, starting work on the Kubernetes sub-generator back in 2016.

    However, in the meantime Kubernetes has evolved continuously and is now much more than simply a runtime for your microservices. Many projects such as Istio and custom Operators plug directly into the Kubernetes platform and offer solutions to microservices concerns (discovery, resiliency, monitoring, …).

    This talk will show how to fully utilize Kubernetes as a platform for a Java microservices architecture generated by JHipster.

Byte Size (15 min)

  • Katherine Stanley

    Katherine Stanley

    An introduction to Apache Kafka – this is Event Streaming, not just Messaging by Katherine Stanley  (twitter)

    Processing streams of data in real-time and being able to react to that data is a powerful tool for software developers. It allows them to build applications that can evolve quickly and understand the requirements of their users. Apache Kafka is an open-source event streaming platform that is being widely adopted as the core technology for these new event-based architectures. It brings with it a new set of terms, such as topics and consumer groups and a distinctive shift away from traditional message queues. Kafka can be used in a variety of ways and this session will give developers the opportunity to see how it can make their projects even better. As a developer on IBM Event Streams which is built on top of Apache Kafka, I have experience with building and deploying Kafka-based applications, both in Java and other languages.

    The amount of data the world produces is growing exponentially every year and many companies are realising the potential of harnessing this data. A lot of this is generated in the form of a never ending stream of events, with publishers creating the events and subscribers consuming them in many different ways. This is where Apache Kafka comes in, Kafka isn’t just a messaging system – it’s an event streaming platform. This session will introduce Kafka and explain concepts such as topic partitioning, consumer groups and exactly-once semantics. Finally, learn about more advanced concepts such as stream processing using the Java Kafka Streams library, cross-datacenter replication and integration with other messaging systems.

  • Hugh McKee

    7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS by Hugh McKee (twitter)

    It is often one thing to break an application into a system of microservices at the code level. However, breaking up a monolithic database is another thing that frequently runs into strong resistance. At the same time, our systems are required to handle more traffic that traditional monolithic databases cannot handle. There is an alternative, CQRS. Learn seven reasons why CQRS may be the solutions to your problems.

    Event Sourcing & CQRS offers a compelling and often controversial alternative for persisting data in microservice systems environments. This alternate approach is new for most of us, and it is justified to have a healthy level of skepticism towards any shiny new and often over-hyped solution. However, what is interesting is that this is so new that even the champions and evangelists often overlook the real benefits provided by this new way of capturing and storing data.

    In this talk, we will look at 7 of the top reasons for using Event Sourcing & CQRS. These reasons covered go beyond the often referenced benefits, such as event stores are natural audit logs, or offering the ability to go back in history to replay past events. The primary goal of this talk is to flip your view from limited to no use of ES & CQRS to an alternate perspective of what you give up when you elect to not use it as the go-to persistence strategy.

  • Ahead of Time Data Access with Micronaut by Graeme Rocher (twitter)

    Graeme Rocher

    Attendees will be one of the first to hear about the latest innovation coming out of the Micronaut project which is changing how Java applications are built using Ahead of Time compilation.

    In this presentation the creator of Micronaut, Graeme Rocher, will demonstrate a brand new technology built on Micronaut that debuted in July 2019 and provides an innovate new way to access database technologies using Ahead of Time compilation to optimise query performance, throughput and memory consumption.

Workshops (on wednesday)

  • Emmanuel Bernard, Clement Escoffier et Antonio Goncalves

    Building Supersonic, Subatomic, Cloud Native Applications with Quarkus and GraalVM by Emmanuel Bernard (twitter), Clement Escoffier (twitter), Antonio Goncalves (twitter)
    Wanna go beyond the hello-world with Quarkus, discovery the internals? Then, Attend this workshop!
    Cloud native applications in Java are great, but… Despite a fantastic ecosystem around Java, it falls short in containers, in comparison to Go or Node.js. The initial memory consumption, the startup time, and the optimizations for long-running processes are killer criteria in the cloud. Quarkus is a Kubernetes native Java stack tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK. With Quarkus you can compile your application into a native executable, reduce the startup time to a few milliseconds, reduce the memory consumption to a few MB, and make applications ideally suited to run in containers.This workshop explores why it matters and how you can leverage Quarkus and GraalVM to build supersonic, subatomic, cloud-native applications.In this workshop, you will learn how to:
    * build Web applications with Quarkus
    * use Hibernate and Hibernate with Panache
    * build event-driven microservices with Apache Kafka
    * monitor your applicationsAll the applications built in this workshop are run on top of the JVM but also compiled as native executables.


  • Julien Furgerot, Mohamed Abdennebi

    Your microservices from deployment to monitoring with Istio and Kiali on Kubernetes by Julien Furgerot (twitter), Mohamed Abdennebi (twitter)

    You plan to deploy your application on Kubernetes but don’t know where to start ?

    Our workshop will help you to achieve that:
    * Through hands-on exercises using the “Hipster Shop” app (here), we will recall the main concepts of Kubernetes.
    * To improve resilience, monitoring and security, you will deploy and setup Istio to manage your application.
    We’ll take some time to focus on one of the core components of Istio, the Envoy Proxy.
    * You’ll deploy Kiali (here) over Istio to get a visual overview of your application health.


  • Andreas Falk

    Securing Microservices with OpenID Connect and Spring Security 5  by Andreas Falk (twitter)

    Are you pushing your apps to the cloud using Microservices architecture and ask yourself how to implement secure authentication using OAuth2/OpenID Connect? 

    As an enthusiastic Spring developer & OWASP member, I want to help to make the software more secure and share my knowledge with you in this Spring Security 5.1 workshop.

    Have you ever wondered what the heck is OpenID Connect and how it differs from OAuth 2.0? Are Grant Types, Flows, JOSE, JWT or JWK unknown beings for you?
    Then this workshop is a great opportunity for you to get to know all these things by getting your hands dirty in code using Spring Security 5.
    After a short introduction to the basic concepts of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 1.0, we will take an existing sample spring boot application to implement authentication with OpenID Connect (OIDC) in several steps.

    During the hands-on part we will cover the following parts:

    – Best practices to avoid OWASP Top 10 security risks of broken authentication and access controls
    – Usage of a certified OpenID Connect Provider Server
    – Insights into the authorization code flow of OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect 1.0
    – Basic implementation of a Resource Server
    – Authorization with automatically mapped OIDC Scopes
    – Custom mapping of OIDC claims to Spring Security roles and authorities
    – Extended validation of JWT’s
    – Realization of an OIDC Login Client
    – Differences in OIDC/OAuth 2.0 support for servlet-based and reactive web stacks (during hands-on we will mainly use the servlet-based web stack)

    The workshop will be complemented with current best practices in OIDC & OAuth 2.0 and will end with an outlook on what’s coming with the next Spring Security version.
    Prerequisites: General experience in Java and Spring-Boot is expected. For the Hands-On part, you’ll need a notebook with JDK 8, 9 or 11 and a Java IDE of your choice.

  • Cooking masterclass : monolith to microservice recipe by Benjamin Yvernault,  Eric Ndouakulu,  Artus de benque,  Nicolas Favier (twitter)

    The goal of this workshop is to retrace our story through different exercises. The class will treat of the following subjects:
    – How do you split a monolith

    – How do you communicate between microservices ? (HTTP, events, etc …)
    – Transaction with microservices
    – Resilience in micro-service (peak load, network latency, outage …) 

    Each step will be:
    – What
    – Coding session
    – Hints and feedbacksWe already gave this workshop at Devoxx 2019 but we didn’t focus on infrastructure.Mirakl, the leading provider of Marketplace Solutions, started the migration of their huge application toward microservices. Those last few years, the different teams have been facing a lot of problems. After some reflexion on this adventure, we realized that it’s important to clarify this important and amazing process.On one hand, we have learned at our expenses that microservices are not the solution for all the problems. On the other hand, they are very interesting in the evolution of an application.The goal of this workshop is to retrace our story through different exercises. The class will treat of the following subjects:

    • How do you split a monolith
    • How do you communicate between microservices ? (HTTP, events, etc …)
    • Transaction with microservices
    • Resilience in micro-service (peak load, network latency, outage …)