Kenny Bastani and Jakub Pilimon

Hi Jakub, hi Kenny, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

We are both Spring Developer Advocates working at Pivotal. We spend most of our time supporting various customers from our industry, with a focus on moving code from development to production with increased speed and agility. Microservices embody one of the most popular architectural practices for reducing the time spent writing any code that is not valuable in the face of the end-user and customer.

Cloud-native applications and microservices go hand-in-hand, by allowing developers to focus on business logic and reduce wasted time building functionality that can otherwise be consumed as a cloud service: such as databases, messaging middleware, and much more. Both of us have spent many years as consultants and now developer advocates with a direct focus on microservice architectures.

What will you be talking about at Voxxed Days Microservices?

We are going to cover a broad set of buzzwords like: Event Sourcing, DDD, Spring Cloud Stream, Event Storming and Test-Driven Development. All in the context of microservices.

We come from a history of managing state, modeling state and now synchronising state across datastores. Event handling being newer, do you think people are reluctant to use it because of lack of knowledge or because it doesn’t suit their need ?

Handling events is by no means a new thing in programming languages or computer science. Event handling is a common practice in user interfaces using JavaScript. Each time a user interacts with a form element on an HTML5 page, an event handler can subscribe to that action and be triggered with each interaction. That may seem trivial, and it is, but we’re essentially talking about the same underlying mechanics with one huge difference: event handling in a distributed system.

With microservices, there is no simple abstraction or RFC that describes how each application should handle the consumption and production of domain events. That is by and far the struggle that most developers must begin to cope with. Instead of events being pre-prepared and ready to go, such as in HTML5 elements triggered by JavaScript event handlers, developers must design their own event-handling system. We hope to show developers an easier and more organic method for designing these kinds of systems, as well as testing and long-term evolution in a large enterprise setting.

Good, see you soon then

We are very much looking forward to attending Voxxed Microservices 2018 in Paris. We welcome attendees to reach out to us in advance over Twitter, at either @kennybastani or @JakubPilimon, with any questions or comments about the presentation. We’re deeply passionate about this subject and hope to have some lively discussions with attendees over the course of the conference (and hopefully!) before and after.

#eventsourcing #cqrs #springboot #ddd

Twitter: @kennybastani @JakubPilimon

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