Hi Pierre, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

My name is Pierre Besson, I work as a Site Reliability Engineer for Liquidshare. LiquidShare is a fintech startup founded in Paris by a consortium of major European financial institutions to improve the settlement process for equities traded on electronic exchanges using blockchain and cloud native technologies.

I started my career working with Julien Dubois on the initial JHipster microservice support and I have been a project contributor since then. Today, I’m working on extending JHipster beyond its traditional application development roots (front-end and back-end) into the world of DevOps by supporting various deployment technologies (Heroku, GAE, Kubernetes…), CI-CD platforms (Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Azure Pipelines…) and monitoring tools (ELK, Zipkin, Prometheus…).

I think JHipster can be a force to push microservices in the right direction by encouraging best practices and integrating feedback from the community.


 What will you be talking about at Voxxed Days Microservices? 

My presentation aims to demonstrate the latest features of the JHipster Kubernetes support as well as give a sense of how Kubernetes has grown to become much more than simply a “microservice runtime”. Nowadays, Kubernetes represents an extensible platform on which projects such as Istio and custom Operators such as the JHipster Operator (https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-operator) implement microservices patterns (client side discovery, resiliency, observability) directly into the runtime. I will also explain the benefits and drawbacks of this approach when compared with handling those concerns through libraries embedded inside applications, which is currently the best supported way to do microservices with JHipster (by using Spring Cloud and the Netflix OSS stack).


When JHipster was created Kubernetes wasn’t supported. Today would you say that Kubernetes is the defacto JHipster platform for microservices and why ? 

I remember how the JHipster + Kubernetes story began in 2016 after I met Ray Tsang at Devoxx France that year (ici). At this time, Kubernetes was still mostly unknown for Java developers and few people would attend Ray’s talk. However, we knew we were onto something at the time as we were struggling to reliably run JHipster microservices in docker swarm.

Today Kubernetes is the industry standard for immutable and declarative container based deployments. It has a lot of mature tooling available and the emergence of managed Kubernetes services by the major cloud providers is boosting adoption. However, Kubernetes might not be suited to all projects, as demonstrated by the battle tested Netflix stack that I have seen successfully used for a Java microservice project running outside Kubernetes. Moreover, Kubernetes is not very suited for stateful workloads (ici) and it is very much a “platform to build platforms” rather than a turnkey solution.

Good, see you soon then 

I am really glad to be able to return to VoxxedDays Microservices this year. Last year’s edition was fantastic, with the presence a lot of high profile speakers who were very approachable due to the human-sized scale of the conference.


#JHipster #Kubernetes #CloudNative


My contact information 

Twitter: pibesson

Blog: pierre-besson.fr

LinkedIn: none 

GitHub: PierreBesson
