Hi Nate, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices?

I’ve been described as “architect as a service” which pretty much describes my job these days (just don’t say the acronym out loud in a meeting). Having built and architected my fair share of enterprise web apps I’m quite familiar with the drawbacks of the monolith as well as the…challenges inherent in legacy infrastructure. Today every company is a tech company and we can no longer afford lengthy development cycles; smaller code bases, independent deployability, independent scalability, polytglot tech stacks combined with cloud platforms give us a powerful set of tools.


What will you be talking about at Voxxed Days Microservices? 

Like any developer, I’m fascinated by the latest and greatest approach to software. However I’ve also experienced the pain of adopting something just so we can all put it on our resumes (otherwise known as resume driven design). While microservices have a number of benefits, there are drawbacks too and it is critical that we approach our systems without preconceived notions how it “has to be done.” Just because we _can_ use microservices doesn’t mean we _should_! This talk dives into when microservices make sense.


So can you give us a couple of factors so we can decide if something deserves to be a microservice or not ? 

Of course! Independent scalability, failure isolation and polyglot tech stacks to name a few. There are a couple more, stop by if you want to hear about them! You can read this blog post to get a sense of what I’ll be talking about: https://content.pivotal.io/blog/should-that-be-a-microservice-keep-these-six-factors-in-mind


Good, see you soon then 


#microservices #architecture #tips


My contact information

Twitter: @ntschutta

Blog: http://www.ntschutta.io

GitHub: https://github.com/ntschutta

