Prepare Your Brain for Better Memory Storage and Retrieval Workshop

5 hours workshop by our keynote speaker Christina Aldan

Often, our memories drive a narrative to which we are emotionally attached. When stressed, we lock into the way we feel and our memory becomes supportive of that stress. When we are happy, we often choose to only remember the positive. Memory is malleable and susceptible to outside influence.

In the same way that a witness has been known to take on characteristics of the suspect they are observing during a line-up, or that children who are repeatedly told they are good at math end up believing it and improving their scores, memory works in similar ways.

In this workshop, we will:

  • Look at the ways we access and encode memories.
  • Consider ways to improve memory storage.
  • Discuss how to train your brain for memory.
  • Finally, we will discuss the ways we can retrieve information in order to get that information from our memories into our work.

Kindly hosted by 






When: Thursday 29th of September
Duration: 5 hours ( times will be announced soon )
Location: Mediterranean College, Athens Campus
13 Kodrigktonos & 94 Patission Ave, 104 34
Lecture Hall 2, 5th Floor