Tag: serverless

Serverles: Functions, Containers and Beyond Serverless computing is one of the preeminent technologies driving cloud adoption and modern applications. Serverless is predicated on the simple mantra: never manage servers. While AWS Lambda enabled this new style of computing, today, serverless has grown to be more than just AWS Lambda. Container technologies have evolved to bring [...]
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Under the hood of Serverless platforms Learn best practices for building serverless applications with Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Functions, Google App Engine, and Knative are serverless solutions offered on Google Cloud Platform. They all free developers from maintaining servers but at the same time they impose challenges on the way software is developed. Understanding [...]
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Cloud Native Spring We have seen how Spring Boot became de facto standard for building microservices. We have also seen how Spring Cloud helped to bind and orchestrate microservices. However, the main focus is still cloud solutions, native cloud solutions! In this talk we will overview technologies that help to build Serverless and Streaming apps [...]
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