Voxxed Days Banff 2018 Sessions


Session Presenter Slides Video
Building a Culture of Continuous Delivery at Netflix Adam Jordens Video
Spock’s New Tricks Andres Almiray Slides
Go Java, Go! Andres Almiray Slides
Dev Culture Hacking and Org Refactoring – Transformation tips from Software Pros Andrew Harmel-Law Slides Video
Real-Time Communication in an Event-Driven Architecture Andrew Sullivan
Practicing to be ~Perfect~ Better: Improving how you work through deliberate practice Andy Ennamorato Slides Video
Techy for Gen-Z Ashley Holgate Slides Video
Powering a build pipeline with Docker and Jenkins Benjamin Muschko Slides
Top ways for Java developers to get serverless on Azure Brian Benz
Perfecting reliable code delivery for the cloud with Microservices and OpenTracing Brian Benz
Two way data sync between legacy and your brand new micro-service architecture Brice Leporini
Visual Studio Code Beyond JS: Write Java And Spring Apps Too! Bruno Borges
Graal: How to use the new JVM JIT compiler in real life Chris Thalinger
Serverless Java in Action with Fn! David Delabassee Slides
Stress Driven Development, and How to Avoid It Dmitry Vinnik Slides
Domain Driven Testing: Know What You’re Doing Dmitry Vinnik Slides
Multi Device Controls – A different approach to UX Gerrit Grunwald Slides
Building event-driven (Micro)Services with Apache Kafka Guido Schmutz Slides
Integration Tests and Containers: A success story! Ixchel Ruiz
One size fits all? Not Really! Ixchel Ruiz Video
The Trouble With Memory Kirk Pepperdine Slides
Tuning G1GC Kirk Pepperdine Slides
Asynchronous programming with Kotlin coroutines Konrad Kamiński Slides
Full-stack Reactive Java with Project Reactor & Spring Boot 2 Mark Heckler Slides Video
Getting graphic: Using Neo4j with Spring Data Jennifer Reif Slides 
Anywheres and Somewheres: are there lessons for the software industry? Mike Bauer
When everything starts to look like a nail….stop using a hammer. Mike Morley Slides Video
Achieving Data gravity escape velocity Mike Morley Slides
CQRS and EventSourcing with Spring & Axon Nakul Mishra Slides
Kubernetes development and deployment made easy with Helm and Draft Raghavan Srinivas
Reactive Microservices using RSocket Ryland Degnan
Augmented Intelligence: using cognitive technologies to make smarter, faster users Shawn Cutter
Sending messages to the future Szymon Pobiega Slides