Speaker Details

Felipe Sales

Hi, I’m a computer scientist from Brazil who loves coding the web and building digital products. I started my career 7 years ago, primarily as a Frontend Engineer. However, I also have a passion for building APIs, especially GraphQL’s, which led me to gradually shift to a Fullstack role. I worked for 3 years at VTEX, the largest E-commerce platform in Latin America, where I developed a love for building digital products. I even explored the business side when I had the opportunity to start an MBA within VTEX. Afterward, I decided to explore Europe and ended up at a Swedish fintech company, Klarna, where I build their post-purchase experience in React Native. Currently, I am focusing on becoming a proficient Tech Lead, sharing the knowledge I've gained throughout my career wherever I work, including in my blog posts. 🙂

It's crucial to acknowledge that technical debt is inevitable in large codebases due to time and resource constraints, and the fact that resolving technical debt might not always be a business priority. That is why learning to effectively manage technical debt is vital. In this talk, I will discuss a strategy I use to maintain the codebases I work with, without hindering business demands due to technical requirements. This is particularly beneficial for consumer-facing teams, where there's a continuous feature pipeline and an aging codebase that must adapt to new demands.