Tag: Reactor Core 3.0

Reactive Hardcore. How to build a Publisher and beyond The more popular Reactive Programming/Libraries become, the more often we have to deal with those techniques and solutions. Sometimes we have to deal just with smoothies API of Reactive Extensions, sometimes we have to dive into the internals of those libraries, or sometimes we have to [...]
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How to build Reactive Server under an hour? In this speech, we are going to talk about developing your own server using pure Non-Blocking Java API. First of all, we will start with the reason why non-blocking is important in the development of modern web applications. Smoothly moving from that point, we will cover the [...]
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Multiplayer Pac-Man with RSocket One of the challenging aspects of building modern games is making it multiplayer. Can we use HTTP there? We can, but we will not get a real-time game. Can we use WebSockets / TCP? Of course, we can and we should! However, developing API on top of WebSocket is another challenge [...]
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