Tag: Distributed Systems

Contract Tests in the Enterprise Is your legacy application talking to a service that is never up and running on your shared testing environment? Does your company waste a lot of time and money on regression testing only to see that, yet again, someone has created a typo in the API? Enough is enough. Time [...]
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 The phantom menace
. Istio Service Mesh: 
the new hope Everyone talks about microservices and everyone wants to build microservices. But this architecture brings a lot of complexity. Service Mesh will help you to deal with this complexity and let you focus on your application. And Istio is a production-ready Service Mesh implementation. Join the [...]
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Reaching Zen in Your Coordination Layer Distributed systems are hard and unfortunately often less perfect than we would hope. This talk shows a concrete example: Elasticsearch's cluster coordination system, called Zen Discovery, got a rewrite in version 7.0. Starting from a formal model, the coordination layer was rebuilt to address multiple issues discovered over the [...]
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Serialization protocols for distributed systems Decoupled applications exchange messages – between JVMs, over the network or via messaging systems like Kafka, Pub/Sub and Kinesis. Therefore messages are everywhere – sometimes they live for milliseconds, sometimes they get persisted for years. When the types of these messages start to evolve and the applications change at different [...]
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